Sunday, 18 November 2012

Update on Internals 19/11/2012

Hi guys, its been a while since my last post, been busy and battling the world of building at the same time.
so much has happened since last time i posted including;

  • Gyprock has finished
  • Cabinetry is all in
  • Plumbing has just completed
  • Painting has almost completed
  • Garage Door is on (wrong color which EBH will now fix)
  • Tiling in bathrooms is complete (except a final few touches).

Importantly, my bricks which i had asked eden brae homes to secure and leave onsite have been stolen by another eden brae builder just around the corner from my place, so annoyed! sent an email to the builder on Friday to follow up regarding this!!

here are some pics guys...

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Lock Up - 26.10.12

We went by during last week and noticed that our gyprock had started and was nearing completion. I must say things are looking great and im hoping we area nearing completion soon so we have handover prior to xmas...lets see how it goes...

We went by again yesterday and saw they have started on the architraves and our house was locked up with a front door on, including garage and laundry as well =] . Although locked up, we were able to see that they have completed the frames for the doors in the bedrooms, the main living areas are still to be done, so im hoping they will complete this early this week. 

Here are some pics of when  the gyprock initially started taken last weekend Saturday (20/10).

front of house with some rubbish

lots of rubbish!!

Here are some more pics taken during the week on Thursday, 25.10.2012

Front of the house with all rubbish removed

Our internal doors

Front door

ready to go on frames

Built in robe doors